SEM 1 NOTES: Intro to Med Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Cardiovascular System Overview of the CVSBlood Pressure and its regulationTreatment of hypertensionIntro to ECG Red Blood Cell (Scanned notes) Endocrinology Intro to endocrinologyHormone synthesis, action and disease FundamentalsIntro to living cell, amino acids and protein (scanned notes)Genetic expression, protein synthesis and antibiotics + fate of new proteinsDNA Structure & SynthesisBody Fluids Metabolism, ATP, Glycolysis Acetyl CoA, mitochondria and oxygen Carbohydrate Metabolism GUTFunctions + control of alimentary tract The Liver: Intro to its functionsTransport along the GI tract Transport across the GI tract Nausea, vomiting & pain INFECTION & IMMUNITYIntro to immune system Adaptive Immunity IAdaptive Immunity II (T cells) Chronic and acute inflammation ChlamydiaMUSCULOSKELETALMicrostructure and function of muscle Muscle contractile mechanism Striated muscle contractionSmooth muscle contraction Muscle Injury Management approaches to muscle injury NEUROLOGYIntro to autonomic nervous system Physiology and pharmacology of the SNSPhysiology and pharmacology of the PNSBuilding blocks of the nervous system Nerve cell potentials Embryology Early human development Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps